Nuit Blanche YXE 2016
The Canadian Light Source and the Usask STEAM team collaborated to create a 16-ft grain elevator for this year's Nuit Blanche in Saskatoon. Here's the project's didactic:
"The grain elevator has been a part of the prairie landscape for over a century and is a symbol food production in the history of this province. This historical icon is slowly disappearing from the Saskatchewan landscape. However, this is not so much a disappearing act as it is a transformation. The Usask Steam group created a 15 ft. grain elevator to illustrate this transformation, as archival photographs of farming technology and culture are projected onto the structure. Just as old farming methods fall away with the emergence of new technology, these panels will fall away one by one to reveal today’s cutting-edge agricultural imagery, graciously provided to us by the Canadian Light Source. Their current research will be presented using video editing and projection mapping softwares."
I didn't get too many good pictures from the evening -- I have no idea how to shoot light-based art in low light -- but nevertheless!