I’m a prairie kid who loves research. I just completed a Master’s in economics with a focus on public programs, labour and education. Long before that, I did my undergrad in physics & English with a math minor.

Besides my resume, you’ll find this page full of sewing projects, the odd published poem, and stories about Canadian science.

A note about the blog title: in math and physics, the prefix eigen means one's own. It comes from the german, but mostly I always liked thinking about a particle's eigenvalues, and thought I might apply the same thought to my excursions.

Pink Gingham: Zero waste skirt and flower headband

Pink Gingham: Zero waste skirt and flower headband

OOps never posted this one. I’m clearing out the drafts and getting caught up on my notes here (lots of posts hopefully in the next few days), and as this project is two years old, I would perhaps not bother posting it this late in the game but I do have a diagram of the cutting layout I’d like to save for posterity, as it was a litttttle too skimpy for a skirt in the end and I like to have reference for my errors.

The skirt still gets wear, but I do tend to use it more for a beach coverup or with shorts-style underwear to be safe. The headband does not. I hate to see any of the abuela fabric not get use, but that was a mis-fire! It’s in the kids’ costume box and that’s good enough.

The original draft of this post follows!

The very last two garments from my abuela’s pink gingham!

close up of bright pink shirt and lighter pink gingham skirt with lace edging peeking out hem

Which are going to get a cursory post because I forgot to do it at the time and now it’s not really the note taking exercise I am trying to use these blog posts for!

I do, however, still want to put a post up now while I still remember a few things. One is the cutting layout for the skirt:

zero waste skirt draft

This is my own draft, such as it is, inspired by Liz Haywood’s approach for a zero waste wrap skirt. I had significantly less fabric to work with, so I made the lap less, uhh, usefully coverage-y and went mini on it.

I put a little bit of lace at the hem and I LOVE THAT, also lined it for more modesty. So mistakes were made but she cute!

The headband is an idea i’d like to play with. It didn’t at all turn out how I’d pictured in my head, and that might be down to the fabric. Something a little less stiff may have ended up looking more rosy floral, but them’s the breaks. The pattern is a vintage one.

Helene jeans #2

Helene jeans #2

Birgitta Helmersson ZW Singlet

Birgitta Helmersson ZW Singlet